Construction is a political, cultural, and literary magazine, this week has published Fragments.  

“Out of monuments, names, words, proverbs, traditions, private records and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of   books, and the like, we do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of time”    (FrancisBacon)
..heads, human bodies, flowers, landscapes, myth and mythology,……. a universe of signs, symbols, numbers, images, fragments, memories, words and unfinished sentences, hidden and deleted; Siro ‘s works are characterized by figures that no longer correspond to the names we gave them, do not respect the traditional narrative, creating an autonomous language, a personal language and unknown, full of archaic and metaphorical meanings. Not as clear images, but in the way memories often present themselves to us; as in a dream, veiled, without logic , incomplete and colored by the moment.
“My work collects and systemizes the impressions of my everyday life…. My ideas are linked by the exploration of “what remains,” from fragments to collections  of detritus… photos, drawings…….memories accumulated , events and people, . This body of work represents a daily practice of searching, thinking and creating  visual ideas”.