Forest, solo exhibition at Steve Turner, Los Angeles

Forest, Siro Cugusi solo exhibition, May 16 - June 13, 2020, Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles
Steve Turner Gallery
6830 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90038

ALAC Art Los Angeles Contemporary

ALAC Art Los Angeles Contemporary with Steve Turner Gallery, February 13 -16
The Hollywood Athletic Club
6525 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles

Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles
Siro Cugusi, Joaquìn Boz, Steve Dix, Kiyoshi Kaneshiro, Gabby Rosenberg and Jessica Wilson
June 15–July 13, 2019
Steve Turner Gallery
6830 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90038

A Saurceful of Secrets, solo exhibition

A Saucerful of Secrets. Siro Cugusi solo exhibition, May 17- July 31. Agencia de Trànsitos Culturales, Galeria ATC, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

Siro Cugusi - Aleph - Galleria Annarumma

Art a Part Of Culture - Magazine
Siro Cugusi - ALEPH - Galleria Annarumma

immagine per Siro Cugusi
E, olio su tela, cm60x60

La casa è grande come il mondo. Tuttavia, a forza di percorrere cortili con una cisterna e polverosi corridoi di pietra grigia, raggiunsi la strada e vidi il tempio delle Fiaccole e il mare. Non compresi, finché una visione notturna vi rivelò che anche i mari e i templi sono infiniti. Tutto esiste molte volte, infinite volte…Forse fui io a creare le stelle e il sole e questa enorme casa, ma non me ne ricordo.
La casa di Asterione – Jorge Luis Borges
Aleph è una serie di dipinti realizzati con olio su tela, che esplora il tema del paesaggio, creando una rete di spazi occupati dalla giustapposizione del familiare e dell’indefinibile, della narrativa e dell’astratto: un flusso inondante di immagini e pensieri interconnessi, con ogni opera legata alla successiva da una struttura talvolta astratta, talvolata figurativa, in cui si accoppiano in modo sorprendente e quasi paradossale con trame e colori, sposando materia e luce.Il lavoro di Siro Cugusi offre un luogo di introspezione meditativa, uno spazio dove contemplare bellezza e mistero, fantasie erotiche e piaceri innocenti, ricordi e pensieri.
Attraverso dipinti caratterizzati da figure che non corrispondono più ai nomi che abbiamo dato loro e che non rispettano la narrativa tradizionale, Siro crea un linguaggio autonomo e personale sconosciuto, pieno di significati arcaici e metaforici. Questo linguaggio non è presentato come immagini chiare, ma come spesso ci si presentano i ricordi, come in un sogno: velato, senza logica e incompleto. I corpi umani, la flora, la fauna e il mondo minerale coesistono insieme, non in uno spazio razionale ma dove le leggi della natura sono capovolte: un santuario interiore per gli esseri umani e mitici, un luogo di fascino di mistero e delizie sublimi.
Gli spazi indeterminati dei suoi mondi fittizi e psicologici pullulano di corpi e oggetti ibridi, come se il suo occhio fosse il principale testimone di una scena agitata, interpretata da figure misteriose che si uniscono in una confusione di prospettive sconcertanti. Siro riduce le figure alla loro essenza e quindi aggiunge e adotta forme biomorfe e surreali, ma libera ulteriormente quelle forme attraverso il processo della pittura stessa enfatizzando il colore più lirico e il contenuto personale. Trasforma, passato e presente, in nuove realtà, astratte e controllate. Invece di un rendering esatto, allo spettatore vengono presentati suggerimenti di oggetti reali che sono sottoposti all’interpretazione personale dell’artista delle loro forme e significati.
Siro dice dei suoi dipinti “Quando comincio un dipinto, non ho un’immagine specifica nella mia mente. Ogni immagine deve evolvere da una logica pittorica o visiva: deve emergere come se fosse inevitabile. I dipinti hanno la struttura della narrativa, ma una struttura che rimane sconosciuta, come se fosse una costruzione il cui risultato è il frutto di un enigma, di forme e figure incombenti e sbiadite“.

Inaugurazione: Sabato 17 Novembre 2018 ore 11,00, fino al 18 Gennaio 2019.
Galleria Annarumma
Via del Parco Margherita, 43 – 80121, Napoli.

Publication of Alpenglühen - 100 years of Ettore Sottsass Jr.

Publication - Alpengluhen - 100 years of Ettore Sottsass Jr
Alpengluhen - 100 years of Ettore Sottsass Jr  publication.
Available at Belmacz Gallery, London

Like no other, Galleria Annarumma

Installing at Galleria Annarumma

Like no other. Siro Cugusi, Haavard Homstvedt, Francisco Mendes Moreira, Robert Nava, Milly Peck. 
Opening: 1st  of June 2018
Galleria Annarumma, Napoli. 

Editorial Magazine 's review on Siro Cugusi 's exhibition

Siro Cugusi’s Secret Garden

Images courtesy of the artist and Galleri Kant  Text by Claire Milbrath

 Siro Cugusi’s Secret Garden showcases the painter’s tradmark high-gloss, scribbly, mechanical masterpieces. Secret Garden is a funny exhibition title, said to evoke a meditative place of introspection and innocent pleasure, when in reality the works exhibited bring to mind medieval surgery, crude apparatuses, and sordid Guston flesh-tones. Cugusi’s paintings look like mathematical outlines created by a pre-science mind. The painter is interested in presenting figures not as clear images, but as they would appear in memories—veiled, and incomplete. His mixture of materials (oil paint, enamel, spray paint, wax pastels to name a few) and successive layering create a feeling of imbalance and chaos. Perhaps it is easier to attribute Cugusi’s Secret Garden not to the realm of natural beauty and innocence, but to Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights, a mythical place of biomorphic, mysterious forms. See the Sardinian painter’s works at Galleri Kant in Copenhagen until April 15th.

Secret Garden - Solo exhibition - Galleri Kant

Secret Garden, Siro Cugusi solo exhibition, March 09 - April 15, 2018
Galleri Kant, Copenhagen

Galleri Kant
St. Kongensgade 3, Baghuset
1264 Copenhagen

Whet Ya Whistle - Galleri Kant

Whet Ya Whistle, Siro Cugusi, Shaun Ellison, Marlon Wobst - upcoming show - Galleri Kant, Copenhagen

OPENING        FRIDAY  25. AUGUST  17.00 - 19.00

VISIT              WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 12.00 - 18.00 
                      SATURDAY - SUNDAY   12.00 - 16.00 

St. Kongensgade 3, Baghuset
1264 Copenhagen K

The San Diego Union Tribune review on Siro Cugusi exhibition

Italian artist Siro Cugusi speaks 'visual language' at Lux abstract paintings of Italian artist Siro Cugusi defy a clear definition. The colors and textures suggest dreamlike, imaginary scenes with a variety of shapes that seem both real and surreal.
“Siro’s paintings do not correspond with reality,” agreed Reesey Shaw, the director of Lux Art Institute. His works “derive from his dreams, subconscious, fleeting thoughts and abstract ideas. He rejects traditional narrative painting to demonstrate his own personal language.”

Cugusi, the current Lux resident artist, uses canvas, wood, pages from books and varied types of paper as a base. His paintings often have a combination of oils and other media, including acrylics, spray paint, enamel, pencils and pastels, applied in multiple layers. The result is not so much a picture, but a state of thoughts and feelings he calls a “visual language.”
Generally, art gallery visitors are accustomed to looking at an abstract painting, and then reading the title to learn what it represents. Cugusi, however, does not give his works a name. Each is assigned a letter or a number or both.

“I do not want people to lock in on the name of the painting,” Cugusi said through a translator. “I do not want them to think about the concept based on the title. My paintings are a kind of visual language. People will see the concepts and the colors. They will see the steps and the layers. They will clearly see the whole process. An exhibit of 12 Cugusi paintings is on view through March 18. Cugusi is living and working in the artist’s pavilion through Feb. 18. Three days a week, visitors can meet him and see him create a large oil painting for Lux.
The artist refers to himself as a forager of ideas and feelings, which he collects in notes, photos and sketches of memories, events and people.
“My art results from all my experiences everywhere I go,” Cugusi said. “I am in constant search for inspiration. I collect impressions of my everyday life and absorb what is around me.” Those thoughts and memories will find a way into his work, sometimes years later. Siro Cugusi is from Sardinia, an island off Italy. He has studied and exhibited in cities such as Florence and Paris. He values what he learned in these places, “but I realized how different and frenetic a big city is,” he said.
“Sardinia is calm and relaxed. I can connect with nature. It provides an isolation so that I can do the art I want to do without contaminating influences.”
Shaw noticed Cugusi’s work during her many art exploration travels. He seemed a perfect choice to be part of the 10th anniversary of the artist-in-residence program’s global theme.
“We particularly look for artists from unusual places using unexpected materials with unique visions,” she said. “Siro is a painter of unusual imagination and scale.
“I was intrigued and excited to bring him from a town of 3,000 in Sardinia to do a project with Lux.”
“I am grateful to have the chance to be here, in San Diego,” Cugusi said. “All my experiences here will become a part of me.”
His time at Lux has already given him a fresh outlook. He said he is using colors he hasn’t used in years.
The artist described his personal process of painting in terms of being a father creating a son.
“My paintings are my sons,” Cugusi said. “To create something means to give form to something that does not have a form. To give form is to give life.”

The San Diego Union Tribune
Arts Culture
February 5, 2017