Construction is a political, cultural, and literary magazine, this week has published Fragments.  

“Out of monuments, names, words, proverbs, traditions, private records and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of   books, and the like, we do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of time”    (FrancisBacon)
..heads, human bodies, flowers, landscapes, myth and mythology,……. a universe of signs, symbols, numbers, images, fragments, memories, words and unfinished sentences, hidden and deleted; Siro ‘s works are characterized by figures that no longer correspond to the names we gave them, do not respect the traditional narrative, creating an autonomous language, a personal language and unknown, full of archaic and metaphorical meanings. Not as clear images, but in the way memories often present themselves to us; as in a dream, veiled, without logic , incomplete and colored by the moment.
“My work collects and systemizes the impressions of my everyday life…. My ideas are linked by the exploration of “what remains,” from fragments to collections  of detritus… photos, drawings…….memories accumulated , events and people, . This body of work represents a daily practice of searching, thinking and creating  visual ideas”.

Collezione d'arte CCIAA Sassari

La Collezione d'Arte della Camera di Commercio di Sassari viene resa fruibile grazie ad un'opera che presenta la raccolta di dipinti e sculture: un volume cartaceo e un sito internet, per rendere possibile la conoscenza della collezione.

Siro Cugusi, Senza Titolo, cm100x70, 2009
Nel catalogo sarà presente l'opera Senza titolo, dipinto a olio su carta realizzato nel 2009 da Siro Cugusi.
La composizione è ben equilibrata, formata da vari disegni che rimandano al Primitivismo, ai graffiti dei tempi primordiali, a cui si sommano campiture con colori stesi a pennellate ben distinguibili, dati puri sul supporto, con una certa energia che sottende al gesto espressivo forte, esplicito, in linea con alcune tendenze della Street Art contemporanea.        
(Alessandro Ponzeletti) 
L’opera fu esposta nella Mostra intitolata Artisti per l’UNICEF, curata da Fausto Satta e svoltasi a Sassari presso la sede della Camera di Commercio dal 27 novembre al 5 dicembre 2009:
...La stratificazione pittorica offre scenari che si possono cogliere a sprazzi e in piccoli dettagli; leggibili in parte e per il resto offerti al nostro inconscio. Si sente il trascorrere del tempo e l'immutata presenza dell'uomo con segni vividi e "palpabili" che invitano a meditare. Sono pause che nella vita facciamo quando stiamo per dire qualcosa d'importante o per toccare qualcosa di puro.(Fausto Satta - Catalogo Artisti per l'Unicef)

Solo show on Telemarket TV

Telemarket TV show a new cycle of abstract paintings of Siro Cugusi .Telemarket is the first international TV specialized in selling works of art. It is one of the 7 Italian networks which broadcast all over the country. It also broadcasts all over Europe through Hot bird satellite system.

TELEMARKET was created in 1982 based on an idea of Giorgio Corbelli, who wanted to create a means of communication able to promote art outside traditional galleries and museums. The aim was actually to bring art closer to people as well as to allow non experts to enjoy art without going to museums. Art is in fact an essential means of improvement for everyone. Telemarket is the first international TV specialized in selling works of art. It broadcasts all over Europe through Hot Bird satellite system. The presenters, who are very well known experts, introduce and describe works of art. In this way, people have access from home to contemporary art, antique paintings, furniture, carpets, silverware, jewels, antique furniture, chinaware and watches.

However, this daily programme is only a part of a more complex activity. The works of art on sale are chosen by our expert buyers and collectors all over the world.

After a work of art has been purchased the experts carry out a detailed research in order to attribute it to the right artist and period. After that the work is cleaned, restored and so on.

Each work of art is kept in appropriate conditions (from air-conditioned warehouses to caveaux) and is taken care of by expert craftsmen and restorers; it is then sold during the most suitable programmes.

Catalogo Biennale Sardegna e Habemus Ego

I cataloghi della "Biennale Sardegna" e della mostra collaterale "Habemus Ego" sono stati presentati mercoledì 28 novembre 2012 nell’Aula Magna dell’Accademia Mario Sironi di Sassari. Alla presentazione hanno preso parte il Direttore dell’Accademia, Antonio Bisaccia, il Presidente, Gavino Mariotti, l’Assessore regionale alla cultura, Sergio Milia, la Presidente della Provincia, Alessandra Giudici e il Sindaco di Sassari Gianfranco Ganau.